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On December 13, 2009, during the Worldview of Islam Seminar organized by
the Assembly of Muslim Intellectuals or Himpunan Keilmuan Muda (HAKIM),
there was a question being posted to Professor Al-Attas regarding the
polemical usage of the word "Allah" by the non-Muslims.
Below is the transcript of his brief-but-yet-concise enlightening remarks.
As a word of caution, though, one must not only rely on this brief
transcript alone to understand the whole spectrum of Prof. Al-Attas' view
about this theological matter. Further thorough elucidation of his thought
can be found in numerous works of this great Muslim scholar of this age,
such as Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam, Islam and Secularism,
Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu and A Commentary on Hujjat
al-Siddiq of Nur al-Din al-Raniri.
Question: The using of kalimah "Allah" by other people in this country
Answers by Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas:
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